
The New Zealand Government has announced that some of the planned additions to the Green List and the Construction and Infrastructure Sector Agreement will not progress. This is a reversal of the announcement made in September 2023.

The Work to Residence pathway for bus and truck drivers is also closing to people who are not already working (or have applied to work) in a qualifying role.

Work to Residence changes for bus and truck drivers

Bus and truck drivers who apply for an Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) on or after 7 April 2024 will not be eligible to apply for a Transport Work to Residence visa.

Migrants who already hold an AEWV or have already applied for an AEWV (which is later approved) will still be eligible for a Transport Work to Residence visa.

Green List changes from 8th April 2024

On 8 April 2024, the following 6 roles (equating to 9 ANZSCO occupations) will be added to the Green List:


Green List roles that will not be added

The announcement, in September 2023, to add more roles to the Green List, been reversed, and the following roles will now not be added to the Green List:


Construction and Infrastructure Sector Agreement plans also reversed

The following 7 roles will now not be added to the Construction and Infrastructure Sector:


Future planned changes for migrant high school leavers with a pending application

Migrant high school leavers who are included in a family residence application and are awaiting the outcome, will be granted work rights (around the middle of this year). More information will be available closer to this time.


If you want to know how these changes affect you, then get in touch and we’d be happy to help.

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