
Great news! We finally have the announcement that the New Zealand borders will start to reopen in 2022.

The reopening will happen in 3 phases:

Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3

Quarantine requirements

The three steps constitute a medium risk pathway. Instead of staying in MIQ, all travellers in phases 1 to 3 will still need:

Those who don’t meet the requirements for medium-risk pathway, but are still permitted to enter New Zealand under current border settings, will continue to enter MIQ upon arrival and will need to spend seven days in managed isolation, followed by three days of home isolation. This will include those who do not meet vaccination requirements (including unvaccinated New Zealand citizens) and those from Very High-Risk countries.

Read the announcement from Beehive.govt.nz

Read the updated phasing due to Omicrom on the New Zealand Customs website

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